Monster Hunter Freedom Unite PSP

Monster hunter is an amazing game, single or multiplayer. I spent over 500 hours and would have played more had i not lost my save. After i had lost my save I started again and continued playing.
The action 3rd person gameplay is incredible as you block or dodge your enemies attacks and throwing everything you have at them to defeat them. there is a prodigious amount of quests ranged from searching for rare items to fights angainst giant dragons to treasure hunts. Some battles against strong foes may last up to around 50 minutes.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite PSP

Throughout these quests you have your trusty felyne by your side getting up close and personal hitting the monster or throwing powerful bombs at it from a distants. On your journey to defeat all the monster you will traverse many different large enviroments with all kindss of hidden features such as secret pathways adn items. the scenery is unimaginably beautiful, i often spend my time looking into the distant unexplored parts of the world.
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Monster Hunter Freedom Unite PSP

Throughout the game you are in a constant struggle to get better armor, weapons, items etc. The game has a farm in it where you can gather item from mining, planting seeds and gathering them, fishing, mushroom harvesting, honey gathering and bug catching. In your home you even have your own room with a kitchen and a training area for your felynes. in this room you can order your felynes too cook for you can give you positive or negative perks in your next quest.

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